
Alive...... (2023-08-05 - 10:46 a.m.)

I was thinking. Hey, I am always thinking. Thinking about what. Well since Thursday night beginning at 8:10 pm or so, I actually stopped thinking and went into, I fucking got to survive mood. My mind shut off, and my body took over the control. Do I have you wondering? Well, I won't keep you in suspense. I began an almost 20 hour anaphylactic shock situation. Yuppers. My body sucks sometimes. Now I can add baked chicken to my no eat list. It has been oh, I guess a smidge over two years since I got an ambulance ride. Lately, when I would eat a portion of the baked chicken, I would get a gut ache. I would have issue with severe pain while pooping. I should have been more alert to those signs. Well, Thursday night, boom, my mind and thinking turned off, and my body went into survival mode. It all begins with my ears feeling itchy, then my ears feeling hot, then I start sweating. I knew then, what was going to happen. I ran for my phone and put it on my bathroom sink counter edge. I then went and got a large towel and placed it on my bed downstairs. I got an orange Gatorade and another water out of the fridge and put them on the floor in the bathroom. I grabbed my old ice cream bucket because I knew I was going to start vomiting. Your body doesn't forget. I then started feeling light headed and then started vomiting. I then knew what would come next. Severe lower colon pressure and so much pain, you almost don't make it into the bathroom because you feel like you are going to black out. I got to the toilet, and started the purge of the built up toxins that had been forming in my bowels. Apparently, eating a piece of that baked chicken around 6 pm was the last piece of baked chicken I will ever eat again in my life. Oh well. So I continue to vomit and poop at the same time. I start feeling worse so again, then I don't remember because when I came to, there I was on the bathroom floor. I am still sweating and shivering all at the same time. The floor feels so good and cold. I am naked as usual, because as we all know once you go into anaphylactic shock you feel so hot that you need to be naked to help yourself cool off. This whole cycle continued must have been a couple of hours or more, and I just couldn't help myself anymore. I was vomiting and pooping and falling off the toilet too many times. The kicker for me to call 911 was when I couldn't get up that last time to sit on the toilet. I just started pooping on the bathroom floor. I reached up and grabbed my cell phone and dialed 911. Damn, I thought I could get through this. Nope. I needed help. Oh, Randy was at work.

Then I don't recall much of anything, until I was in ER in Marshfield. I was told later that the EMT's had two IV bags in me and had to hand pump them to make them go into my system better. My blood pressure was 42 over 5 at times. I was also told later that I was put in the big ER bay so more medical people could be there working on me. Oh well. They did call Randy after they knew who I was from the EMT's. He got coverage and finally made it from Wisconsin Rapids to Marshfield by 2 am I guess, from what he told me. So 4 bags of fluids, being super pumped in me. I finally arrived back to consciousness whatever time that was. Don't know and I don't care. It is amazing what your mind does to protect you from something like that. I do recall seeing my mom and Malcolm in the corner of wherever I was. They were in a white light. My mom told me that I had to stay. Malcolm just came with Phyllis to say hi, and that he loves me. So I went back and survived another anaphylactic medical episode. Oh, apparently I got to have a CT scan. Who knew.

I was released on Friday evening. Now I am still resting. I can't bend to well. I am definitely not hungry. Everything hurts. It will all get better. So that has been my last couple of days. Some vacation, hahahahaha.

Peace within yourself. Make sure you smile up at the sunshine and have a giggle for me. Enjoy the pure joy of being alive. Peace.

