Going back to work after a vacation is a tough thing on a person's body. My body has been having a tough three days, yet I tough it out. I hope that today is better. I am a tough cookie and will keep going. I always think it all could be worse, and it is my lot in life, what else do I have to do. One of my co-workers is having gasteric by-pass surgery next Monday. She has had to wait almost three years to get approval for this surgery from the health insurance, and having to jump through hoops with the county health plan. She will be off 6 weeks on medical. Yesterday I brought in something I bought for her. A purple(her fav color) micro-fleece bathrobe. I have two of them, and I just love them. They have them at Younker's. I kept calling them off and on for about the last three weeks, checking to see if they had gotten their plus size micro fleece bathrobes in. Well, low and behold on Monday I got a yes, so I went there on Tuesday and sure enough, they were tagged and out. I was so excited, because I had been racking my brain for ideas on what to buy her to help her feel better. So I felt great, that she was happy about her new bathrobe. Everyone needs a cuddly, snuggly bathrobe to lounge around in. She didn't have a bathrobe, and she said she will take it up to the hospital with her.
It continues to be nice here. We so need some rain, but it won't happen now until next week sometime, and you know that will change again. So we keep watering. The fire danger sign went up a level now again. The pine needles are turning golden and beginning to fall off the pines, so that means, clean out all the rain gutters and just about every other day, my husband has to clean out all the rain gutters. Malcolm blends into the floor of the earth now, with the dropped needle cover and some of the leaves dropping. When he runs he is so camoflauged that if you aren't watching him you can't see him, especially if he has stopped. He is like one of those Bev somebody, I don't remember the artist last name, paintings. If you are watching him run away from you closely it is like watching a ripple effect, which is something also. Sadie is black and white being a Boston so it is easy to see her. Malcolm doesn't even know how cool he looks during the Fall in the woods running around, he is just happy to be joyful and free. We should all learn something from our happy pets. Beyond Panic if you think that your kitty needs a friend, you already know the answer then, you must get her a buddy. It is so much more fun!
I got nothing else going on here, just going to work and going to get through the work day. So with that written, a good day.