
Black Bear...... (2020-06-29 - 5:23 a.m.)

I was on here writing an entry on Thursday. I was writing about the huge black bear visitor to the feeders. I lost all that I wrote. This bear destroyed all the feeders, except one. Apparently this black bear wasn't hungry enough to destroy and dump out the niger finch seed. So there is one feeder up. I did my best with one of the two green barrel feeders and now I can put that one on the metal post. He totally destroyed and snapped off at the base the two other feeders. He really destroyed the red feeder out in front. I have two hooks that are somewhat bent, and one is twisted. So all said and done I now have one barrel feeder, two double suet feeders, with one minus the top lid closure, and the niger goldfinch feeder. I am taking them into the garage each night. The squirrels and the birds were so, so confused Thursday morning. Oh, I also fixed the color changing solar light he laid on while he was eating. He was here for over an hour. It all started around 11:16 pm Wednesday night. I always crack the window open in my bedroom when Randy works. I also leave the drape open and the blackout blind up. I like to see the stars over the garage if there is any. I can see the treetops across the road while laying in bed, and can tell how strong the wind is. So anyway, I heard Myla jump down off the bed, and run out into the living room. Then all of a sudden I could here her hissing and then start to growl. So I got up and went tinkle, and then sat on the bed thinking, well, on the safety side off all her danger sounds, I got dressed. Grabbed my phone and went out to look out the living room picture window. My night vision is pretty good. I noticed a huge darker shadow out there. Myla was still growling. So I picked up and turned on the flood light on the garage all the while looking out the picture window. Bam, holy fuckin' shit. There was a huge black bear there laying down pretty much on top of the red bird feeder, munching away on the black sunflower seeds. I noticed that the feeder was pretty much close to the sidewalk, hence I knew that the black bear snapped the metal pole like it was a toothpick. The light being turned on didn't even phase him. Then I went into the airlock and put the porch light on. The black bear stopped eating when I did this, looked around and then went back to eating. I took a couple of photos. I actually did step out onto the deck to get a better photo. I sent them to Randy at work. He texted back and said stay in the house. I also sent the photos to my friend Sawyer asking him if a person can shoot a bear now. He texted me right back and said no, no bear hunting until September. So then I texted Randy and asked him if he would call the sherriff. He said no he wouldn't. While then about 30 minutes later, the first sherriff guy came. By this time the black bear was on the south side of the house destroying the bird and suet feeders. Then a second sherriff deputy came. Apparently they heard the call, and were in the area, and wanted to see the black bear, and check out the damage. The first guy was shining his light, I saw him round the curve to the North and go past the house and around the cul-de-sac. I started turning off and on the porch light. He stopped and got out of his SUV cruiser. I pulled down the window on the front door and yelled thru the screen to him, watch out, the bear was still on the south side of the house eating at those feeders. His hand reached for his gun, and I yelled don't you have a shotgun? If you have to use that little thing isn't going to do it. He looked so young. By this time I had turned on what lights I could on the south side of Randy's house. I watched the guy walk what I thought was so slow. I had time to get my gun, and load it. I said I will go over to that side of the house with him. Like I said, he look young and nervous. So as we were shining our little lights around, this was when the second sherriff deputy shows up. He sees us and gets out with his shotgun. This guy didn't look much older than the first. When we were in the garage talking Nate and Corey told me that they heard the call in and wanted to see what happened, check it out. The one guy was a hunter. We were in the garage because I asked if they would hang out with me while I had a cigarette. They both said sure. They wanted to ask some questions anyway because they never knew about this area back here. The water/channel all the woods, the county woods off the Island. So that was interesting. After I finished my cig, we all decided to go around the whole house. They both said they fish, so I said feel free to come out and fish off our dock anytime. Well guess what, they both showed up together on Saturday. Boy they looked even younger out of uniform. So that was an interesting night.

It took me a day to remove and get all the mess cleaned up. I didn't put any bird/squirrel feed out for 24 hours. Then I did now.

I don't have anything else. I am baking more chicken now. Peace.

